This function fetches the latest comments.Usage
fetch( 'comment', 'latest_comment_list', hash([ 'user_id', user_id,] [ 'user_email', user_email,] [ 'length', length,] [ 'use_modified', use_modified, ] [ 'after', after, ] [ 'sort_order', sort_order] ) )
Name | Type | Description | Required |
user_id | integer | User id of the comment author | No |
user_email | string | User's email of the comment author. Useful for anonymous comment fetching | No |
length | integer | Number of record which will be fetched. If the number of records is less than length, all the records will be fetche | No |
use_modified | boolean | Use modified time for judging 'latest' instead of created time. By default it's false | No |
after | integer | Fetch comments after some time, yesterday for instance. The value is a UNIX timestamp | No |
sort_order | string | Sort order of the list. The value should be 'desc' or 'asc'. By default it's 'desc' | No |
Array if there is record, array() if there is no record under the conditions.
This function fetches the latest comments based on some conditions. user_id and user_email can be used together or separately. Note that anonymous users have same user_id.
Example 1
{def $comments=fetch( 'comment', 'latest_comment_list', hash( 'length', '15' ) )} {foreach $comments as $comment} {$comment.text} - {$comment.created|l10n( 'shortdatetime')} <br /> {/foreach}
Fetches the latest 15 comments and outputs the comment content and time.
Example 2
{def $current_user = fetch( 'user', 'current_user' )} {def $comments = fetch( 'comment', 'latest_comment_list', hash( 'user_id', $current_user.contentobject_id, 'length', 10 ) )}
Fetches the lastest 10 comments made by current user.
Note: this code will fetch all anonymous comments if the current user is anonymous. So it should run under a non-anonymous user view.
Example 3
{def $now=currentdate()} {def $gap = 24|mul( 60 )|mul( 60 )} {def $yesterday=$now|sub( $gap )} {def $comments = fetch( 'comment', 'latest_comment_list', hash( 'after', $yesterday ) )}
Fetches comments created since yesterday.
Ester Heylen (09/09/2010 11:02 am)
Ester Heylen (09/09/2010 11:15 am)
There are no comments.