Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 6.x.
For 5.x documentation covering Platform see eZ Documentation Center, for difference between legacy and Platform see 5.x Architecture overview.

Numbered and bullet lists

The "Numbered list" button allows you to create numbered (ordered) lists.

The "Numbered list" button

The "Numbered list" button


The "Bullet list" button allows you to create bullet (unordered) lists.

The "Bullet list" button

The "Bullet list" button

The "Decrease indent" button allows you to decrease the level of indentation for list items.

The "Decrease indent" button

The "Decrease indent" button


The "Increase indent" button allows you to increase the level of indentation for list items.

The "Increase indent" button

The "Increase indent" button

Please note that it is possible to classify the lists, but not the list items themselves.

When generating XHTML code, the system will use the "ol" tag for numbered lists, "ul" tag for bullet lists and the "li" tag for list items. The output is controlled by the following templates:

  • /design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/ol.tpl
  • /design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/ul.tpl
  • /design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/li.tpl

Creating a numbered list

Create a new empty paragraph and click the "Numbered list" button. The empty paragraph will be transformed to an empty numbered list item. Write a text for the list item and press the "Enter" to create another empty list item. Continue adding new list items in this way. To end a numbered list, press the "Enter" inside an empty list item.

Creating a bullet list

Create a new empty paragraph and click the "Bullet list" button. The empty paragraph will be transformed to an empty bullet list item. Write a text for this list item and press the "Enter" key to create another empty list item. Continue adding new list items in this way. To end a bullet list, press the "Enter" inside an empty list item.

Transforming a numbered list into a bullet list

Select all the list items and click the "Bullet list" button. The numbered list will be transformed into a bullet list. Please note that when using Internet Explorer, you may also put the cursor somewhere inside the list (or select only a part of the list) and then click the "Bullet list" button.

Transforming a bullet list into a numbered list

Select all the list items and click the "Numbered list" button. The bullet list will be transformed into a numbered list. Please note that when using Internet Explorer, you may also put the cursor somewhere inside the list (or select only a part of the list) and then click the "Numbered list" button.

Transforming paragraphs into list items

To transform a paragraph into a numbered list item, position the cursor inside the paragraph (or select multiple paragraphs) and click the "Numbered list" button.

To transform a paragraph into a bullet list item, position the cursor inside the paragraph (or select multiple paragraphs) and click the "Bullet list" button.

Transforming list items into paragraphs

To transform a numbered list item into a paragraph, position the cursor inside the list item (or select multiple list items) and click the "Numbered list" button.

To transform a bullet list item into a paragraph, position the cursor inside the list item (or select multiple list items) and click the "Bullet list" button.

Transforming a numbered list item into a bullet list item

Please note that this feature only works in Mozilla based browsers and thus it does not work in Internet Explorer.

To transform a numbered list item into a bullet list item, position the cursor inside the list item (or select multiple list items) and click the "Bullet list" button. Please refer to the example below.


The following screenshot shows the numbered list containing six list items.

The numbered list containing six list items.

Let's transform the third list item into a bullet list item. To do this, position the cursor inside the third list item and click the "Bullet list" button. The following three lists will be created:

  • A numbered list containing two list items.
  • A bullet list containing only one list item.
  • A numbered list containing three list items.

Please note that these lists will be independent and not nested (see the screenshot below).

Splitting a numbered list into three independent lists.

Transforming a bullet list item into a numbered list item

Please note that this feature only works in Mozilla based browsers and thus it does not work in Internet Explorer.

To transform a bullet list item into a numbered list item, position the cursor inside the list item (or select multiple list items) and click the "Numbered list" button.

List items containing multiple lines

To create a new text line inside a list item (without creating a new list item) hold down the "SHIFT" key and press the "ENTER" key. The next example demonstrates how this can be done.

  1. The following screenshot shows the bullet list containing six list items.

    The bullet list containing six list items.

  2. Let's insert a few text lines into the second list item. To do this, position the cursor at the end of the second list item, hold the "Shift" key down and press the "Enter" key. A new empty line will be created inside the second list item.

    Insert an empty text line into the second list item.

  3. Type in some text and continue adding new lines in the same way.

    Insert a few text lines into the second list item.

  4. Although headings are not allowed inside lists, you can use bold and italic formatting. For example you can create a structure with mixed text styles.

    Bold and italic formatting inside a bullet list.

Nested lists

The "Decrease indent" and "Increase indent" buttons allow you to decrease/increase the indentation for the current list item. This makes it possible to create nested lists and further modify their structure. These buttons are inactive until you position the cursor inside a list item or select one of the list items (or just select a part of a list item). Please refer to the next example for details.


  1. Type up five short paragraphs. Select all of them and click the "Numbered list" button.

    Transforming a few paragraphs into numbered list items.

  2. The paragraphs will be transformed into numbered list items. Position the cursor inside the end of the fifth list item and press the "Enter" key. An empty sixth list item will be created.

    Adding an empty sixth list item at the end of the list.

  3. Type in some text for this new item and press the "Enter" key to add an empty (the seventh) list item.

    Adding an empty seventh list item at the end of the list.

  4. Press the "Enter" key inside an empty list item to end the numbered list. Type in a short paragraph.

    Starting a new paragrapg after the list.

  5. Put the text cursor on the third list item and click the "Increase indent" button. A new numbered list will be created inside the existing one.

    Using the "Increase indent" button to create a nested list.

  6. The inner list contains only one list item. Add a new item to this list by pressing the "Enter" key. Type in something.
  7. Select both items of the inner list and click the "Bullet list" button.
    Transforming a numbered list into a bullet list.

    Transforming a numbered list into a bullet list.

    The inner list will become a bullet list.

    A bullet list inside a numbered list.

Classified lists

It is possible to set the "class" parameter for numbered/bullet lists. To do this, position your cursor somewhere inside an unformatted chunk of text and right click in order to bring up the context sensitive menu. Choose the "Properties" item, a modal dialog will appear. Select the desired class name from the dropdown list and click the "OK" button.

Please note that the "Properties" item will not be available if you select some text and then right click.

Svitlana Shatokhina (19/12/2005 1:05 pm)

Ole-Morten Halvorsen (22/03/2007 9:03 am)

Balazs Halasy, Ole-Morten Halvorsen, Svitlana Shatokhina


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