
7x / documentation / extensions / ez publish extensions / ez mb password expiry / update children feature

Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 6.x.
For 5.x documentation covering Platform see eZ Documentation Center, for difference between legacy and Platform see 5.x Architecture overview.

Update Children feature

To prevent failures during the process and to make the user edit process quicker, the update children function was moved to a cronjob. Therefor a new cronjob task has to be set in order for the update to be executed. The cronjob defined to do the actual update of the children is "updatechildren", which can be found in \extension\ezmbpaex\cronjobs of your eZ Publish root folder. This cronjob can be run manually from the root of you eZ Publish installation folder with the following command:

$php runcronjobs.php updatechildren

You can also set the cronjob to run frequently by adding "Scripts[]=updatechildren.php" to the CronjobPart-frequent block in an override of your cronjob.ini. When a node is marked to update its children, a notification text will be shown in the administrator view template for that node. Only group nodes have the "Update children nodes?" checkbox displayed in their edit template.

The updates are applied from outer to inner nodes. This implies that if you have a node set to update its children, but one of the children nodes is also set to update its children, that specific children node will not be updated with the data from its parent, but will instead update its own children with its own data.

Ester Heylen (28/09/2009 3:03 pm)

Ester Heylen (29/09/2009 12:02 pm)


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