Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 6.x.
For 5.x documentation covering Platform see eZ Documentation Center, for difference between legacy and Platform see 5.x Architecture overview.


eZ odoscope

Smart Site Analytics for visualizing data to optimize the Customer Experience.

 eZ odoscope is a powerful tool that help marketers understand traffic behavior across all channels.

The  analytic dashboard highlights click streams of visitors pathways and journeys through a site and provides a filterable heat map of their click behavior. As a result, eZ odoscope helps editors and content managers, sales and marketing to identify ways to improve conversion rates, identify new strategies and maximize ROI.

eZ odoscope Analytics Dashboard

eZ odoscope Analytics Dashboard

A high performance multi-channel web infrastructure can include a public website, intranet, extranet, mobile and tablet channels for servicing a wide audience of customers and stakeholders.

To ensure high engagement and conversion levels, customers, partners and employees expect a dynamic and optimized online experience.

For online marketing and communications to be effective, measurement that is precise, flexible and intuitive for editors and business managers to make content strategy and design decisions is vital. eZ odoscope delivers this in a unique way by an infographic analysis and by deep integration with the core web content management system.

eZ odoscope enables a user to:

Infographics - examine web behavior with visitor click stream and pathways

Segmentation - apply filters to website visitors and create new user groups to monitor

Multi-device - analyze pathways across multiple media and different devices

Customization - design the dashboard for different users and functional views

Collaborate – build and distribute statistical reports for distinct stakeholders

Visualizing data is the key to understand and optimize customer experience



odosMap™ - Visualizing traffic flow to understand visitor behavior

odoscope Ad Hoc Filtering

odoscope Ad Hoc Filtering

Ad Hoc Filtering – Segmenting and defining user groups

odoscope Filterable Heatmap

odoscope Filterable Heatmap

Filterable Heatmap - Visualizing click behavior of specific user groups

eZ odoscope is available in two versions: Basic and Advanced

eZ odoscope Versions

eZ odoscope Basic and Advanced Versions

Why odoscope?

  • Intuitive visualization of aggregated user pathways gives an accurate and overall impression of user journeys and experience on your site
  • Ad hoc filtering gives you the ability to view the activity of segmented user groups
  • Filterable heatmap allows the visualization of the clicks of different users on individual pages
  • Customizable dashboards and reports are generated, for different departments and stakeholders 
  • Measuring and analyzing what is working, but also keeping track of what or for whom something on the site is not working


  • eZ Publish® Enterprise Edition 4.7 and higher
  • eZ odoscope is fully integrated into the eZ Publish backend

Andrea Melo (04/07/2012 11:30 am)

Andrea Melo (27/12/2012 9:56 am)


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