Provides views for managing content (nodes, objects, searching, etc.)Description
This module provides an interface to the content engine that is built into eZ Publish. It is the most important and most commonly utilized module. It provides views that make it possible to display and edit the contents of objects, manage nodes in the content tree, searching, translation, etc. A typical eZ Publish site uses many of the views and the fetch functions that this module provides.
Fetch functions
Name | Summary |
access | Checks if the current user has access to a given function. |
bookmarks | Fetches the bookmarks of the current user. |
calendar | Not documented yet. |
can_instantiate_classes | Checks if the current user is allowed to create nodes. |
can_instantiate_class_list | Fetches the classes that the current user can create objects of. |
class | Fetches a content class. |
class_attribute | Fetches an attribute of a content class. |
class_attribute_list | Fetches the attributes of a class. |
collected_info_collection | Fetches an information collection. |
collected_info_count | Fetches the number of collections that match a certain criteria. |
collected_info_count_list | Fetches the number of times different values were collected. |
contentobject_attributes | Fetches the attributes of an object's version (and translation). |
draft_count | Fetches the number of drafts that belong to the current user. |
draft_version_list | Fetches the drafts that belong to the current user. |
keyword | Fetches nodes that use keywords starting with a given sequence. |
keyword_count | Fetches the number of nodes that use certain keywords. |
list | Fetches the children of a node or a collection of nodes. |
list_count | Fetches the number of children of a node. |
locale_list | Fetches the available locales. |
navigation_part | Fetches information about a navigation part. |
navigation_parts | Fetches all available navigation parts. |
node | Fetches a node (identified by either an ID number or a path). |
non_translation_list | Fetches locales that a version of an object may be translated into. |
object | Fetches a content object (specified by an ID number). |
object_by_attribute | DEPRECATED |
object_count_by_user_id | Fetches the number of objects (of a class) created by a user. |
pending_count | Fetches the number of pending objects for the current user. |
pending_list | Fetches the pending objects for the current user. |
recent | Fetches nodes where the current user recently published something. |
related_objects | Fetches related objects. |
related_objects_count | Fetches the number of related objects. |
reverse_related_objects | Fetches reverse related objects. |
reverse_related_objects_count | Fetches the number of reverse related objects. |
same_classattribute_node | Fetches nodes containing attributes that match a certain value. |
search | Fetches nodes containing data that match a certain criteria. |
section_list | Fetches the available sections. |
tipafriend_top_list | Fetches the most popular (most tipped) nodes. |
translation_list | Fetches the locales that can be used to translate objects. |
trash_count | Fetches the number of objects that are in the trash. |
trash_object_list | Fetches the objects that are in the trash. |
tree | Fetches the children of a node recursively. |
tree_count | Fetches the number of children of a node recursively. |
version | Fetches a specific version of an object. |
version_count | Fetches the number of versions of a content object. |
version_list | Fetches all the versions of a content object. |
view_top_list | Fetches the most popular (most viewed) nodes. |
Name | Summary |
action | Provides an interface to different actions (AddToBasket, SwapNode, etc.). |
advancedsearch | Provides the advanced search interface. |
bookmark | Provides an interface for managing the current user's bookmarks. |
browse | Provides an interface for selecting node(s) by browsing the node tree. |
collectedinfo | Provides an interface for displaying the information that was collected. |
collectinformation | Provides an interface for collecting information. |
copy | Provides an interface for copying a single node. |
copysubtree | Provides an interface for copying an entire subtree of nodes. |
diff | Provides an interface for comparing two different versions of an object. |
download | Provides an interface for downloading files stored by the "File" datatype. |
draft | Provides an interface for managing the current user's drafts. |
edit | Provides an interface for editing and translating the contents of objects. |
hide | Provides an interface for hiding and revealing nodes. |
keyword | Loads a template that can fetch objects which use keyword. |
move | Provides an interface for changing the location of a node. |
new | Loads a template that can be used to display new content since last visit. |
Provides on-the-fly PDF generation of a node. | |
pendinglist | Provides an overview of the current user's pending items. |
removeassignment | Provides an interface for removing node assignments. |
removeeditversion | Provides an interface for draft removal. |
removenode | Provides an interface for removing nodes. |
removeobject | Provides an interface for removing objects. |
restore | Provides an interface for restoring objects from the trash. |
search | Provides the standard search interface. |
tipafriend | Provides an interface to the "tip a friend" feature. |
translate | Provides an interface for the translation of a node (DEPRECATED). |
translations | Provides an interface for managing content translations. |
trash | Provides an interface for managing the trash. |
upload | Provides an interface for uploading a file which will become a node. |
urltranslator | Provides an interface for managing virtual URLs. |
versions | Provides an interface for managing the versions of an object. |
versionview | Provides an interface for viewing a version of an object. |
view | Provides an interface for viewing a node. |
Balazs Halasy (23/02/2005 9:39 am)
Balazs Halasy (29/04/2005 7:55 am)
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