
7x / documentation / ez publish / technical manual / 4.x / reference / configuration files / site.ini / [session] / basketcleanupaveragefrequency

Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 6.x.
For 5.x documentation covering Platform see eZ Documentation Center, for difference between legacy and Platform see 5.x Architecture overview.



Sets how often the basket cleanup cronjob will actually work when being executed.





Use this directive to specify how often the shopping baskets will actually be cleaned up when the "basket_cleanup.php" cronjob is executed. This setting is extremely useful in case you are running this cronjob frequently together with other tasks. The default value is 10, which means that baskets will be cleaned about 1 out of 10 times. If you wish to run "basket_cleanup.php" separately from other cronjobs, you can specify "BasketCleanupAverageFrequency=1".

You must set BasketCleanup to "cronjob" for this setting to have any effect.

Svitlana Shatokhina (17/11/2006 1:22 pm)

Geir Arne Waaler (26/08/2010 10:47 am)

Svitlana Shatokhina, Geir Arne Waaler


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