Page Testing
This section explains how to create a new test scenario at the page level.
1. Log in into the eZ Publish administration interface
2. Navigate on eZ Publish content structure and find the content to which you want to create the test scenario
3. Select the Testing tab and click on the "Create" button:
Creating Test Scenario
4. On the next screen, fill the input field with test scenario name and toggle the corresponding check box to enable the state:
Test Scenario Info
5. In order to associate different page variants with the current test scenario, click on the “Add” button located on the right bottom side of the screen:
Test Scenario Variants Association
6. In the standard eZ Publish browser mode, navigate over eZ Publish content tree and select the proper page variants:
Test Scenario Browser Mode
7. Once test page variants has been added to your test scenario, you need to define a probability percentage to each test item:
Test Scenario Probability
Total probability value can not exceed 100% limit. Otherwise, a validation message will be shown.
8. Once you are done with defining your test scenario, click on the “Store” button to save the changes.
Andrea Melo (07/08/2012 8:39 am)
Andrea Melo (30/11/2012 10:25 am)
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