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eZ Services Network

With your enterprise subscription you get access to the eZ Services Network which is a mix of human and cloud-based services that you may purchase. With our new eZ Services Network concept we have already established a systematic maintenance cycle for our Enterprise customers and 24 x 7 phone support. Our partners and customers around the globe have now access to world-class Service Levels and can close agreements in accordance to the business criticality.

The eZ Services Network offering includes:

  • installation monitoring and health reports on installations.
  • usage statistics and content organization support via a new established services interface. Odoscope web analytics is part of the subscription fee for Gold and Platinum subscribers.
  • our cloud-based recommendation service can be accessed by enterprise subscribers
  • access to best practices via vendor installation audits. eZ Professional Services team checks on demand if customizations are in line with vendor recommendations.
  • monthly CMS newsletter insights with market trends, recommendations and best practices.  
  • access to site and security audits. eZ Publish offers access to specific site consistency and security checks via selected partners at preferred rates.
  • access to stress test environments. A load-test for sites with high volume requirements before going live is highly recommended. The testing facilities will be provided at affordable rates.

Furthermore the eZ Services Network includes:

  • enterprise installation services via eZ Network
  • the eZ Service Portal - the "my page" of your eZ Publish installation that gives you access to the details of your enterprise agreement and access to other services
  • an Upgrade Kit with a more automated approach to upgrading eZ Publish has also been introduced in 4.6 to make it a simpler and more automatic task. The Upgrade Kit has migration guidelines and a tool-set to migrate sites from eZ Publish 4.x versions to eZ Publish 4.6 and detailed guidelines help to speed up migrations while minimizing the risk.