
The "Paynet Direct" solution can be configured using the "paynetdirect.ini" configuration file which is located in the "settings" subdirectory of the extension (for example: "/path/to/ez_publish/extension/ezpaynetdirect/settings/paynetdirect.ini"). The following text reveals the different configuration settings and options.

Configuration settings



MerchantID= number

The "MerchantID" must be a valid Paynet merchant ID number. For more information about becoming a Paynet merchant, please refer to the following address: For testing with the test certificate any number can be used as MerchantID.

SSL= enabled|disabled

This setting controls whether the extension should redirect the user to an SSL secured version of the page that is used for entering the credit card number, etc. This setting should always be enabled because of security issues. However, it may be disabled for testing purposes. When enabled, the server specified by the "SecureHost" setting will be used.

SecureHost= string

This setting is only available in version 1.0.
Use this setting when the "SSL" directive is set to "enabled". The extension will use the specified host when redirecting to an SSL secured page. For example, if eZ publish is running on a webserver called "", then the "SecureHost" should be set to "". Redirecting to another hostname will result in a session loss. Therefore this setting is quite useless, and is removed from version 1.1 and up.

SSLCertFile= string

The value of this setting must be a path to the SSL certificate file that should be used during encrypted connections between eZ publish and the Paynet server. For testing with fake transactions you can use the test certificate. To use the test certificate, set this value to: extension/ezpaynetdirect/settings/paynet-demo-keycert.pem.php

StoreCreditCardInfo= enabled|disabled

This setting controls whether eZ publish should let the customers store their creditcard information for later use. When enabled, the system will provide a smoother experience for frequent shoppers. If users can shop anonymously then set this feature to disabled! Otherwise people can see the creditcard information from a previous anonymous user.

FakeError= enabled|disabled

This option can be used to generate fake error messages. When set to "enabled", the Paynet server will return a random error whenever the test credit card is accepted.

Please note that the solution should always be re-tested whenever the configuration is changed. Please refer to the "Testing" section for more information about testing.

Example configuration file

The following example shows an example configuration for the "Paynet Direct" extension.



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