The requirements for using the "Paynet Direct" extension must be met. Please refer to the previous section if you are not sure about the requirements. The extension must be extracted and activated. Please refer to the "Extensions" section of the "Installation" chapter within the technical manual of eZ Publish for more information about these operations. This section will guide you through the following steps:
The "Paynet direct" extension makes use of two custom database tables:
These tables must be added using the SQL scripts that come with the extension; they are located within the "sql" subdirectory of the extension (for example: "/path/to/ez_publish/extensions/ezpaynetdirect/sql"). Please refer to the instructions above for creating the tables on a MySQL or a PostgreSQL database.
$ mysql -u <username> -p<password> <database> < create-tables.sql
username |
The MySQL user (if no user is set up, use "root"). |
password |
The password that belongs to the username. |
database |
The name of the database, for example "my_database". |
$ psql <database> <username> < create-tables.psql
username |
The PostgreSQL user. |
database |
The name of the database, for example "my_database". |
The "Paynet Direct" extension integrates into eZ Publish through a workflow event. This means that a new workflow must be created and assigned to a trigger. The following text explains how this can be done.
From paynet you got one zip file with several certificates. Only the file that ends with: "keycert.pem" should be copied in the settings directory of the PaynetDirect extension. Hereafter rename this file so that it ends with php (For example: MySite-keycert.pem.php).
The next step is to add the php-opening, php-closing, and comment tags to this certificate file. Open the certificate with your favorite editor and
add the following two lines to the beginning of the file:
<?php /*
At the end of the file add the following lines:
*/ ?>
So the complete certificate should look like:
<?php /* -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIICXQIBAAKBgQCkkaPKumTOGkYDYd1YnJKmsEINbkSfr/aSqBm4U0mS3W8DDtHn ... < snip > ... dICl058wh1492fFR36aW9f2Zx4lYD8y+V05RIUQcRMzb -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIICVjCCAb8CARUwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQAwdTELMAkGA1UEBhMCTk8xDTALBgNV ... < snip > ... lHoA0QkxCwUJ0ApaH6k5sP7OSF5XPw2qNCQ= -----END CERTIFICATE----- */ ?>Powered by eZ Publish™ CMS Open Source Web Content Management. Copyright © 1999-2013 eZ Systems AS (except where otherwise noted). All rights reserved.