This section covers the eZ Publish Style Editor installation instructions. In order to install eZ Publish Style Editor properly follow these steps:
Enable the ez style editor extension. This can be done either in the administration interface, via the "Extensions"-link, which can be accessed in the left menu under the "Setup"-tab, or manually in the settings/override/site.ini.append.php by adding ezstyleeditor to the Active Extensions as shown below:
[ExtensionSettings] [...] ActiveExtensions[]=ezstyleeditor ActiveExtensions[]=ezwebin [...]
Update PHP autoload array by executing the following script from the eZ Publish root folder:
php bin/php/ezpgenerateautoloads.php -e -p
Import SQL script with a schema relevant for your database. Currently supported are MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle. Following MySQL example shows how to import DB schema:
$ mysql --host=<mysql_host> --port=<port> -u <mysql_user> -p<mysql_password> <database> < extension/ezstyleeditor/sql/mysql/mysql.sql
Place the following code in the <head> section of the pagelayout.tpl template(s):
{if is_set( $display_styleeditor_visualtoolbar )} {include uri="design:styleeditor/visual.tpl"} {/if}
Configure an image repository INI setting in extension/ezstyleeditor/settings/ezstyleeditor.ini:
[StyleEditor] ImageRepository
Add to your public site access following configuration setting for image aliases in image.ini.append.php
[AliasSettings] AliasList[]=styleeditor [styleeditor] Reference= Filters[] Filters[]=geometry/scaledownonly=100;75
Add the following settings to your ezjscore.ini.append.php:
[ezjscServer] FunctionList[]=styleeditor [ezjscServer_ezcsse] Class=ezcsseServerCallFunctions File=extension/ezstyleeditor/classes/ezcsseservercallfunctions.php Functions[]=styleeditor
Add the following settings to your websitetoolbar.ini.append.php settings file:
[CustomTemplateSettings] CustomTemplateList[]=styleeditor IncludeInView[] IncludeInView[styleeditor]=full
Clear the cache by executing following command from eZ Publish root folder:
php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-all --purge