eZ Survey LS 5.x

Creating a survey is a straight forward task through the use of eZ Survey LS 5, the survey tool for eZ Publish. Based on the original eZ Survey 1.0, its purpose is to create and publish surveys in a similar way as you would publish any content object.

eZ Survey LS 5 has many advantages. By creating a survey content class with the survey datatype provided by eZ Survey you can create surveys as you would an article, folder, image, etc... This survey class can of course be reused. Furthermore you will be able to add survey attributes to customize your survey, so that users will for example be able to give a score or add text. Also a Survey-tab is added to your Administration Interface for easy management of your surveys. And once you have results, eZ Survey enables you to export them as csv-files, statistics, etc...

Here are some key features added in previous versions:

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