If these classes do not already exist, they will be created automatically. Depending on your eZ Publish installation you can do one of the following things:
By default a separate set of eZ Teamroom classes will be created. But if you prefer to use the existing Website Interface classes you should modify the following template:
The definition of the content classes that will be created or modified by the eZ Teamroom installation should be adjusted in this template by removing the "teamroom_"-prefix. For example:
<ContentClass isContainer="false" identifier="teamroom_image"
should be changed to
<ContentClass isContainer="false" identifier="image"
In a similar way, you should modify the ClassIdentifiersMap[] setting in extension/ezteamroom/settings/teamroom.ini.append.php. For example:
should be changed to
It is possible to install eZ Teamroom on an existing eZ Publish installation, because the extension creates its own set of content classes by default. However, if you would like eZ Teamroom to use existing content classes available in your installation, follow the steps described above for the eZ Webin Interface.
Next enable the eZ Teamroom extension in your eZ Publish installation. In settings/override/site. ini add the following parameters to the [ExtensionSettings] section:
ActiveExtensions[]=ezevent ActiveExtensions[]=ezteamroom ActiveExtensions[]=ezlightbox ActiveExtensions[]=ezxmlinstaller ActiveExtensions[]=ezmultiupload ActiveExtensions[]=ezjscore
When using the eZ Website Interface be sure to add the eZ Teamroom extensions before ezwebin in this setting, in order to use the correct templates for all extensions.
In order to have the top menu in the eZ Teamroom extension displayed, merge the "TopIdentifierList" settings in the following file:
with the ones here:
php bin/php/ezpgenerateautoloads.php -e
It is also possible to update the autoloads from the Admin Interface. In the Setup tab, click on the Extensions link in the menu on the left. In the list displayed check the added extensions (ezteamroom, ezevent, ezlightbox, ezxmlinstaller, ezjscore) and press the Regenerate autoload arrays for extensions button. extension/ezlightbox/sql/<DATABASE_HANDLER>/schema.sql extension/ezevent/sql/<DATABASE_HANDLER>/schema.sqlYou can add the tables by running the following command from the root of your eZ Publish directory:
mysql -u <user> -p <database_name> < extension/ezlightbox/sql/<database>/schema.sql
Do the same for the eZ Event database tableFinally, clear the template override cache with the following command:
php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-id=template-override
Or if you prefer, this can be done from the administrator interface. In the Setup tab, click on the Cache Management link in the menu on the right.
To finish the eZ Teamroom installation simply run this command in your eZ publish root directory:
php extension/ezxmlinstaller/bin/php/xmlinstaller.php --template=teamroom/installezteamroom --siteaccess=<SITEACCESS_NAME>
Note: Replace the placeholder <SITEACCESS_NAME> with the name of the existing siteaccess that should be used for the installation of eZ Teamroom (this is not called "ezteamroom").
Also make sure that the site. ini that is active for the selected siteaccess, has correct [DatabaseSettings] settings.
IMPORTANT Note: Some translations (for example the name of eZ Publish roles) depend on the language and locale settings that are configured in the selected siteaccess. This means if the siteaccess chosen for the installation of eZ Teamroom has English as the primary language, those elements of eZ Teamroom will also be created in this language.If you want to know in detail what will be done when running this script, please read this file
Installing eZ Teamroom will also add the following 18 new roles:
For more information about the policies assigned to these roles, please visit your Administrator Interface and from the User accounts or Setup tab click the Roles and policies link in the menu on the left. Here you can view all your roles and add ones when needed.
Powered by eZ Publish™ CMS Open Source Web Content Management. Copyright © 1999-2013 eZ Systems AS (except where otherwise noted). All rights reserved.