Calendar page

Users with the correct access rights can post events, tasks and milestones on the common teamroom calendar. When a date has been added to for e.g. a task, the task will automatically be added to its teamroom calendar. The calendar on its turn, shows the previous, current and next month and lists all planned Events, Milestones and Tasks. It looks something like this:


Events are listed in blue, Milestones in red and Tasks in yellow. When a user hovers with his cursor over an event more details will be shown. Existing events can be edited with the Edit icon (1) and removed with the Trash icon (2). Using the Lightbox link (3) enables users to add a calendar entry to the current lightbox.

Use the Add new event button to add an event. The Edit or Add Event page looks like this:


Besides the typical fields such as Title and Text, attendees can also be added. In the Attendees box (1) all users are organized by their teamroom. Click on the teamroom link to view and select users from the members list. Note that begin and end date are mandatory fields on the Event page. The calendar (2) can be used for simple date selection.
The Calendar box on the teamroom page will show the daily entries like this:

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