VAT settings

The "[VATSettings]" section of the "settings/shop.ini" configuration file defines the VAT handler that will be used for assigning the value added taxes to your products. Under this section, the following settings can be specified:

Example 1

The following lines can be specified under the "[VATSettings]" section of the "shop.ini" configuration file:


These settings will instruct eZ publish to use the built-in update handler located at "kernel/classes/vathandlers/ezdefaultvathandler.php".

Example 2

You can extend the system by creating custom VAT handlers for special needs. For example, if you have an extension "myextension" that includes a VAT handler "myrule", you can put the following lines into an override for the "shop.ini" configuration file:




These settings will instruct eZ publish to use the VAT handler located at "extension/myextension/vathandlers/myrulevathandler.php".

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