

Sets which search engine to use.





This directive tells the system which search engine to use. The default value is "eZSearchEngine", which means that the built-in eZ Publish search engine will be used.

The "openFts" value makes it possible to enable built-in support for a PostgreSQL-based search engine called OpenFTS. However, note that this functionality is mainly for demonstration purposes. It should not be used and will be deprecated in the future.

To add support for your favorite search engine, you can implement your own search engine plugin. Note that it is not recommended to modify the eZ Publish kernel and thus you should implement it as an extension. Make sure you specify correct values in the "SearchEngine" and "ExtensionDirectories" settings located in the [SearchSettings] section of the "extension/<your_extension>/settings/site.ini.append.php" configuration file.


Example 1


This will tell the system to use default eZ Publish search mechanism.

Example 2

If your site makes use of the eZ Find extension, the "site.ini.append.php" configuration file located in the "extension/ezfind/settings/" directory will contain the following lines:


This will instruct the system to use the search engine plugin located at "extension/ezfind/search/plugins/ezsolr/ezsolr.php".

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