

Iterates over arrays in different ways.


{foreach <array> as [ $keyVar => ] $itemVar  
         [ sequence <array> as $sequenceVar ]
         [ offset <offset>                  ]
         [ max <max>                        ]
         [ reverse                          ]}

    [ {delimiter}...{/delimiter} ]
    [ {break}    ]
    [ {continue} ]
    [ {skip}     ]


This construct makes it possible to iterate over arrays in different ways. The loop can be tweaked using the parameters (see above).


Example 1

{foreach $objects as $object}
    {$} <br />

This example will print out the names of the objects that are stored in the $objects array. If this array stores 4 objects with the following names: "Emmett Brown", "Marty McFly", "Lorraine Baines" and "Biff Tannen", the following output will be produced:

Emmett Brown
Marty McFly
Lorraine Baines
Biff Tannen

Example 2

{foreach $objects as $index => $object}
    {$index} : {$} <br />

This example demonstrates how to create an iteration counter.

0: Emmett Brown
1: Marty McFly
2: Lorraine Baines
3: Biff Tannen

Example 3

{foreach $objects as $object sequence array( 'dark', 'light' ) as $style}
    <div class="{$style}">{$}</div>

This example demonstrates how to create a loop where the iterations are displayed using alternating styles (in this case dark, light, dark, light and so on).

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