

Returns GET, POST and session variables.


ezhttp( name [, type [, check_existence ] ] )


name string The HTTP variable that should be fetched. Yes.
type string Source of variable. Default is is HTTP POST. No.
check_existence mixed If the specified directive should be checked for existence. No.


Variable value


This operator makes it possible to inspect the contents of HTTP variables (POST, GET or session variables). The "type" parameter can be used to specify which type of variable that should be extracted. The following options are available:

The "check_existence" parameter can be set to TRUE or the string "hasVariable" in order to check if a directive is actually set. In this case, the operator will return either TRUE or FALSE. Note that using the "ezhttp_hasvariable" operator is a better option.


Example 1

{ezhttp( 'search' )}

Returns the "search" POST variable.

Example 2

{ezhttp( 'image', 'get' )}

Returns the "image" GET variable.

Example 3

{ezhttp( 'user_id', 'session' )}

Returns the "user_id" session variable.

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