StandardDesign= design_name
The design resource set by StandardDesign is considered the least significant design resource. eZ Publish will only use templates found in the standard design if the template could not be found in any of the other designs. It is generally a good idea not to change the standard design to anything different than standard. The design named standard comes with eZ Publish and provides a default fallback template for all possible templates.
By default eZ Publish will look for designs in the design directory in the eZ Publish root. Using the setting DesignExtensions you can configure extensions to have designs as well.
For general information about designs and siteaccess read the SiteManagement documentation.
The settings described here are usually overridden per siteaccess to provide a unique look.
StandardDesign=standard SiteDesign=mydesign AdditionalSiteDesignList[]=base AdditionalSiteDesignList[]=extras
This setup will make eZ Publish check the design directories in the following order: