Removing an eZ Publish bundle

This section describes how to remove a bundled eZ Publish installation from both Linux based systems and Windows.

Removing an eZ Publish bundle from a Windows system

  1. Log in using the "Administrator" account.
  2. Make sure there are no applications running.
  3. Choose "Add/Remove" programs from the "Control Panel."
  4. Select eZ Publish and click "Remove".
    The eZ Publish bundle will be automatically removed.

Removing an eZ Publish bundle from a Linux/UNIX based system

Automated removal

  1. Become the root user:
    $ su -
  2. Start the installation wizard (from where the bundle was unpacked):
    # cd /path/to/ezpublish-x.x-x.OS-DISTRO/
    # ./
  3. Choose "Uninstall" from the main menu.
    The eZ Publish bundle will be automatically removed.

Manual removal

Use this method if the install wizard fails or if the directory where the eZ Publish bundle was unpacked to has been removed.

  1. Become the root user:
    $ su -
  2. Stop the services (Apache and MySQL):
    # /opt/ezpublish/bin/ezpublish stop
  3. Remove the eZ Publish bundle directory:
    # rm -fr /opt/ezpublish
  4. Remove the lock directory (contains the lock file):
    # rm -fr /var/state/ezpublish
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