
CacheDir Sets the directory where eZ publish stores view cache files.
CachedViewModes Sets which of the content view modes that use view cache.
CachedViewPreferences Sets the user preferences each view mode depends on.
CacheThreshold Sets the treshold for content cache cleanup
ComplexDisplayViewModes Sets content views that have their content cache expired whenever an object is published.
EditDirtyObjectAction Sets what eZ Publish should do if the user tries to edit a page that has a draft that is newer than the published version.
PreCacheSiteaccessArray Sets the siteaccesses that will have view-cache created when an object is published.
PreViewCache Sets if eZ publish should generate the view cache when an object is published.
PreviewCacheUsers Sets the users that should have view cache generated when an object is published.
StaticCache Sets if static caching should be enabled or not.
ViewCaching Sets if view caching should be enabled or not.

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