

Sets the value of a variable.


{set $var1=value1 [ var2=value2 [...] ] [ name=name ] [ scope=scope ]}


var1 string Name of variable number one (with a dollar sign in front of it). Yes.
value1 any The value that should be assigned to variable 1. Yes.
var2 string Name of variable number two (with a dollar sign in front of it). No.
value2 any The value that should be assigned to variable 2. No.
name string The name of the target namespace. No.
scope string The scope ("global", "root" or "relative"). No.


This function makes it possible to assign new values to variables that previously have been declared using either the "def" function. The "name" and "scope" parameters are optional and can be used to set the desired namespace and scope.


Example 1

{def $apples=4}
Before: {$apples} <br/>
{set $apples=8}
After: {$apples} <br/>

The following output will be produced:

Before: 4
After: 8

Example 1

{def name=ns1 $var1='ns1 org value'}
{def name=ns2 $var1='ns2 org value'}
Original values: <br/>
$ns1:var1 : {$ns1:var1} <br/>
$ns1:ns2:var1 : {$ns1:ns2:var1} <br/>
{set name=ns1 scope=root var1='new value'}
{set var1='new value'}
New values: <br />
$ns1:var1 : {$ns1:var1}<br/>
$ns1:ns2:var1 : {$ns1:ns2:var1}<br/>

The following output will be produced:

Original values:
$ns1:var1 : ns1 org value
$ns1:ns2:var1 : ns2 org value

New values:
$ns1:var1 : new value
$ns1:ns2:var1 : new value

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