
action_icon Not documented yet.
attribute Makes it possible to inspect the contents of arrays, hashes and objects.
classgroup_icon Outputs an image tag referencing a class group icon.
class_icon Outputs an image tag referencing a class icon.
content_structure_tree Not documented yet.
ezpackage Not documented yet.
flag_icon Outputs an image tag referencing a flag icon.
gettime Converts a UNIX timestamp to a human friendly structure.
icon_info Not documented yet.
makedate Generates the UNIX timestamp of a given date.
maketime Generates the UNIX timestamp of a given date/time.
mimetype_icon Outputs an image tag referencing a MIME type icon.
month_overview Generates a structure that can be used to build a calendar.
pdf Provides access to the PDF functions.
roman Generates a roman representation of a number.
topmenu Not documented yet.
treemenu Fetches a subtree of nodes for the purpose of menu generation.

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