
AnonymousUserID Sets the eZ Publish user that should be used for anonymous page requests.
AuthenticateMatch Sets the fields that are accepted for login authentication.
DefaultSectionID Sets the section ID of self registered users.
DefaultUserPlacement Sets the parent object of all users who register themselves
ExtensionDirectory Sets the extensions that contain login handlers
GeneratePasswordIfEmpty Sets if eZ Publish should generate passwords if the password field is empty.
GeneratePasswordLength Sets the length of passwords generated by eZ Publish.
HashType Sets the algorithm used to encrypt the user passwords stored in the database.
LoginHandler Sets the various methods eZ Publish will try to authenticate user logins.
LoginRedirectionUriAttribute Sets which attribute of the user/usergroup class contains redirection URI for the user.
LogoutRedirect Sets which page to redirect to when a user has logged out.
MaxNumberOfFailedLogin Sets the number of failed login attempts before user accounts are locked.
RegistrationEmail Sets the receiver of notification emails about new users.
RegistrationFeedback Sets the kind of feedback that is sent to users that have registered.
RequireUniqueEmail Sets if all users must have unique email addresses when registering.
ShowMessageIfExceeded Sets whether to display a warning when a user is not allowed to log in.
TrustedIPList Sets IP addresses that users can log in from even though their accounts are locked.
UpdateHash Sets if eZ Publish should update hashes if you have changed the HashType setting
UserClassGroupID Sets which classes you can create in the user section in the administration interface.
UserClassID Sets the class to use for user registration
UserCreatorID Sets the user that will bet set as the creator of self registering users.
UserGroupClassID Sets the class ID of the class that represents user groups.
UseSpecialCharacters Sets if special characters are allowed in passwords.
VerifyUserEmail Sets if new users have to verify their account by email.

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