

Provides views for the webshop (basket, wish list, order list, etc.).


This module provides an interface to the content and the e-commerce engine inside the eZ Publish kernel. The views that this module offers are typically used when building a webshop oriented site. This module also provides some views that are used by the administration interface.

Fetch functions

basket Fetches the current user's shopping basket.
best_sell_list Fetches the most popular / most sold products.
currency Fetches a currency object.
currency_list Fetches the available currencies.
preferred_currency_code Fetches the current user's preferred currency.
product_category Fetches a product category.
product_category_list Fetches the available product categories.
related_purchase Fetches products that were purchased together with a given product.
wish_list Fetches the products of a given wishlist.
wish_list_count Fetches a wishlist and returns the number of items in it.


basket Provides an interface to the shopping basket of the current user.
checkout Provides the checkout interface.
confirmorder Provides the interface that asks the user to confirm an order.
currencylist Provides an interface for viewing currencies and makes it possible to edit some of the currency's attributes for several currencies at the same time. Allows to update auto rates for all currencies.
customerlist Provides an interface for generating an overview of the customers.
customerorderview Provides an interface for viewing information the orders of a customer.
discountgroup Provides an interface for generating an overview of the discount groups.
discountgroupedit Provides an interface for editing a discount group.
discountgroupview Provides an interface for viewing a discount group.
discountruleedit Provides an interface for editing a discount rule.
editcurrency Provides an interface for editing a currency.
editvatrule Provides an interface for editing a VAT charging rule.
orderlist Provides an interface for generating an overview of orders.
orderview Provides an interface for viewing an order.
preferredcurrency Provides an interface for setting the user's preferred currency.
productcategories Provides an interface for viewing and managing product categories.
productsoverview Provides an interface for generating an overview of products and allows sorting by product's name or price.
register Provides an interface for registering a customer.
removeorder Provides an interface for removing an order.
statistics Provides an interface for generating sales statistics.
userregister Provides an interface for registering a user.
vatrules Provides an interface for generating an overview of the VAT charging rules.
vattype Provides an interface for managing VATs.
wishlist Provides an interface for viewing and managing the current user's wishlist.

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