

Creates a filled circle.


pdf( filled_circle, hash( radius, circle_radius, 
                          x,      x_position,
                          y,      y_position,
                        [ rgb,    rgb_color, ]
                        [ cmyk,   cmyk_color ] ) )


radius integer The radius of the circle. Yes.
x integer The x position of the circle placement. Yes.
y integer The y position of the circle placement. Yes.
rgb array The RGB color of the circle. Only if the "cmyk" parameter is omitted.
cmyk array The CMYK color of the circle. Only if the "rgb" parameter is omitted.


This function creates a filled circle with a given radius and color. The position of the circle is specified with the "x" and "y" parameters. The given coordinate must be within the page margins. The lower-left corner is at (0,0).


Example 1

{pdf( 'new_page' )}
{pdf( 'filled_circle', hash( 'radius', 100,
                             'x',      300,
                             'y',      400,
                             'rgb',    array( 0, 0, 0 ) ) )}
{pdf( 'filled_circle', hash( 'radius', 98,
                             'x',      300,
                             'y',      400,
                             'rgb',    array( 255, 0, 0 ) ) )}

This example creates a black circle with red filling on a new page.

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