

Formats misc. numbers (times, dates, currencies, numbers, etc.).


input|l10n( type [, locale [, symbol ] ] )


type string The format that should be used. Yes.
locale string The locale that should be used (when type is set to "currency"). No.
symbol string The currency symbol that should be used (when type is set to "currency"). No.


A string containing a formatted version of the input parameter.


This operator formats/localizes miscellaneous numeric values according to the current locale settings. The value that should be formatted must be input using the input parameter. The "type" parameter must be used to select the desired format. The following list reveals the available formats/types.

In addition, the operator also formats numeric values according to the specified "locale" and "symbol" parameters when the "type" parameter is set to "currency".


Example 1

{def $number=1234.567
time:           {$timestamp|l10n( 'time' )}
shorttime:      {$timestamp|l10n( 'shorttime' )}
date:           {$timestamp|l10n( 'date' )}
shortdate:      {$timestamp|l10n( 'shortdate' )}
datetime:       {$timestamp|l10n( 'datetime' )}
shortdatetime:  {$timestamp|l10n( 'shortdatetime' )}
currency:       {$number|l10n( 'currency' )}
clean_currency: {$number|l10n( 'clean_currency' )}
number:         {$number|l10n( 'number' )}

If the current locale is "eng-GB", the following output will be produced:

time : 1:46:05 pm
shorttime : 1:46 pm
date : Friday 06 February 2004
shortdate : 06/02/2004
datetime : Friday 06 February 2004 1:46:05 pm
shortdatetime : 06/02/2004 1:46 pm
currency : £ 1,234.57
clean_currency : 1,234.57
number : 1,234.57

Example 2

{def $price=1234.57}
The price in local currency : {$price|l10n( 'currency' )} <br />
The price in Norwegian Krone : {$price|l10n( 'currency', 'nor-NO' )} <br />
The price in Norwegian Krone with specified symbol : {$price|l10n( 'currency', 'nor-NO', 'nok' )}

If the current locale is "eng-GB", the following output will be produced:

The price in local currency : £ 1,234.57
The price in Norwegian Krone : kr 1.234,57
The price in Norwegian Krone with specified symbol : nok 1.234,57

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