

Returns the value of the first clause who's condition is TRUE.


cond( cond1, value1 [, cond2, value2 [, ... ] ] )


cond1 boolean Match condition 1. Yes.
value1 any Return value for condition 1. Yes.
cond2 boolean Match condition 2. No.
value2 any Return value for condition 2. No.


One of the provided values or FALSE.


This operator evaluates the provided conditions (odd numbered parameters). If one of the conditions evaluates to TRUE then the value which is associated with that condition is returned. If none of the conditions are TRUE, the operator will return FALSE. If an odd number of parameters are provided, the operator will return the last parameter if all conditions fail.


Example 1

{cond( true(), 'apples', true(), 'bananas' )}

The following output will be produced: "apples".

Example 2

{cond( false(), 'apples', true(), 'bananas' )}

The following output will be produced: "bananas".

Example 3

{cond( false(), 'apples', false(), 'bananas' )}

No output will be produced, the operator will return FALSE.

Example 4

{cond( false(), 'apples', 'bananas' )}

The following output will be produced: "bananas".

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