
This page provides the platform requirements for eZ Publish Enterprise 4.7.

Reference platforms


Single mode & Cluster mode


  • RedHat RHEL 6.2

Web Server

  • Official Apache 2.2.15 (pre-fork mode) (rhel62 packages)


  • MySQL 5.1.61 (rhel62 packages) (mysqli)

PHP (mod_php) + PHP CLI

  • Official PHP 5.3.3 (rhel62 packages) 
  • Official PHP 5.4.x

PHP + PHP CLI extensions

  • APC 3.1.9 (external pecl extension)
  • bz2
  • Curl
  • dom
  • exif
  • fileinfo
  • ftp
  • gd
  • Iconv
  • json
  • MBstring
  • mysqli
  • pcntl
  • PCRE
  • pdo-mysqli
  • posix
  • reflection
  • simplexml
  • spl
  • ssl
  • xmlreader
  • zlib

Graphic Handler

  • ImageMagick 6.5.4-7

eZ Components (Zeta Components)

  • 2009.2.1 + Archive patch (bundled with eZ Publish)


  • OpenOffice 3.2.1-11 (debian packages)
  • Java JRE 1.5 or higher (Oracle-Sun/OpenJDK) when eZ Find search engine is used

eZ Publish extensions

  • eZ Online Editor 5.5.0
  • eZ Website Interface 1.10.0
  • eZ Flow 2.5.0
  • eZ Find 2.7.0
  • eZ Google Maps Location 1.5.0
  • eZ Star Rating 1.5.0
  • eZ Website Toolbar 1.6.0
  • eZ 2.8.0
  • eZ MB Password Expiry 1.6.0
  • eZ Multiupload 1.6.0
  • eZ Survey 2.5.0
  • eZ Comments 1.4.0
  • eZ Teamroom 1.5.0[1]
  • eZ JSCore 1.5.0
  • eZ Script Monitor 1.4.0
  • eZ SI 1.6.0
  • eZ Style Editor 1.5.0
  • eZ XML Export 1.5.0
  • eZ Image Editor 1.4.0
  • eZ Network 1.4.0
  • eZ Form Token 1.1.0
  • eZ Content Staging 1.0.0
  • eZ Autosave 1.0.0
  • eZ REST API Provider 1.2.0

Cluster mode

  • eZDFSFileHandler + Linux NFS

File system

  • Linux ext3

Approved platforms

These platforms are also tested, but not as extensively as our reference platforms. These platforms still benefit from the full support and maintenance guarantees provided with the eZ Publish Enterprise Subscription, but more issues might occur during normal operations, performance might be lower and issues take longer to resolve.


Single Mode

Cluster Mode

Operating system

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6
  • Debian 6
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11

Web Server

  • Apache 2.2.x (prefork mode)
  • MS IIS 7 (with Microsoft URL Rewrite Module 1.1)
  • Apache 2.2.x (prefork mode)


  • MySQL 5.0.x or 5.1.x (mysqli)
  • PostgreSQL 8.4
  • Oracle 11g
  • MySQL 5.0.x or 5.1.x (mysqli)
  • Oracle 11g

PHP (mod_php) + PHP CLI + apache

  • PHP 5.2.1 -> PHP 5.2.17 (not REST API* and Public API*)
  • PHP 5.3.x
  • PHP 5.4.x
  • PHP 5.2.1 -> PHP 5.2.17 (not REST API* and Public API*)
  • PHP 5.3.x
  • PHP 5.4.x


  • PHP 5.3.x
  • PHP 5.4.x


  • APC 3.1.9 (external pecl extension)
  • bz2
  • Curl
  • dom
  • exif
  • fileinfo
  • ftp
  • gd
  • Iconv
  • json
  • MBstring
  • mysqli
  • pcntl
  • PCRE
  • pdo-mysqli
  • pdo-pgsql
  • pdo-oclssl
  • pdo-oci
  • posix
  • reflection
  • simplexml
  • spl
  • ssl
  • xmlreader
  • zlib
  • APC 3.1.9 (external pecl extension)
  • bz2
  • Curl
  • dom
  • exif
  • fileinfo
  • ftp
  • gd
  • Iconv
  • json
  • MBstring
  • mysqli
  • PCRE
  • posix
  • reflection
  • simplexml
  • spl
  • xmlreader
  • zlib

Graphic Handler

  • ImageMagick >= 6.4.x
  • PHP extension GD2
  • ImageMagick >= 6.4.x
  • PHP extension GD2

eZ Components

  • 2009.2.1 + Archive patch (bundled with eZ Publish)
  • 2009.2.1 + Archive patch (bundled with eZ Publish)

eZ Publish extensions

  • eZ Online Editor 5.5.0
  • eZ Website Interface 1.10.0
  • eZ Flow 2.5.0
  • eZ Find 2.7.0 
  • eZ Google Maps Location 1.5.0
  • eZ Star Rating 1.5.0
  • eZ Website Toolbar 1.6.0
  • eZ 2.8.0
  • eZ MB Password Expiry 1.6.0
  • eZ Multiupload 1.6.0
  • eZ Survey 2.5.0 
  • eZ Comments 1.4.0
  • eZ Teamroom 1.5.0
  • eZ JSCore 1.5.0
  • eZ Script Monitor 1.4.0
  • eZ SI 1.6.0
  • eZ Style Editor 1.5.0
  • eZ XML Export 1.5.0
  • eZ Image Editor 1.4.0
  • eZ Network 1.4.0
  • eZ Form Token 1.1.0
  • Oracle eZ Content Staging 1.0.0*
  • eZ Autosave 1.0.0
  • Oracle eZ REST API Provider 1.2.0*
  • eZ Oracle 2.4.0
  • eZ Online Editor 5.5.0
  • eZ Website Interface 1.10.0
  • eZ Flow 2.5.0
  • eZ Find 2.7.0 
  • eZ Google Maps Location 1.5.0
  • eZ Star Rating 1.5.0
  • eZ Website Toolbar 1.6.0
  • eZ 2.8.0
  • eZ MB Password Expiry 1.6.0
  • eZ Multiupload 1.6.0
  • eZ Survey 2.5.0 
  • eZ Comments 1.4.0
  • eZ Teamroom 1.5.0
  • eZ JSCore 1.5.0
  • eZ Script Monitor 1.4.0
  • eZ SI 1.6.0
  • eZ Style Editor 1.5.0
  • eZ XML Export 1.5.0
  • eZ Image Editor 1.4.0
  • eZ Network 1.4.0
  • eZ Form Token 1.1.0
  • eZ Content Staging 1.0.0*
  • eZ Autosave 1.0.0
  • Oracle eZ REST API Provider 1.2.0*
  • eZ Oracle 2.4.0 (eZDFS only)

Cluster mode

  • eZDFSFileHandler (mysqli or Oracle) + Linux NFS
  • eZDBFileHandler (mysql only)


  • Linux: ext3 / ext4
  • Windows: NTFS 
  • Linux ext3 / ext4

Compatible platforms

eZ Publish can run and execute on many more platforms than the ones listed above. However, eZ Systems doesn't insure and guarantee quality operation of an eZ Publish Enterprise installation if it is running on any platform not listed as either REFERENCE or APPROVED. eZ Publish Enterprise Subscriptions are still available for compatible platforms, but the guarantee and the product support will not apply and although you will receive various maintenance releases and services, no bug fix guarantee will apply to issues related to the platform. Maintenance and monitoring tools will not be available. eZ Systems does not advise merely compatible platforms for production use.


Single Mode

Cluster Mode

Operating system

  • Linux 2.6, 3.x
  • Solaris 10 Intel
  • Opensolaris 2008.11 Intel or 2009.06 Intel
  • Opensolaris 
  • Windows 2000/XP
  • Windows 2008
  • Mac OSX server
  • Linux 2.6, 3.x
  • Solaris 10 Intel
  • Opensolaris 2008.11 Intel or 2009.06 Intel
  • Mac OSX server

Web Server

  • Apache 1.3.x
  • Apache 2.2.x (prefork mode)
  • Apache 2.4.x (prefork mode and with PHP 5.4.1+)
  • MS IIS 7.x (with Microsoft URL Rewrite Module 1.1+)
  • MS IIS 6
  • Nginx
  • Apache 1.3.x
  • Apache 2.2.x (prefork mode)
  • Apache 2.4.x (prefork mode and with PHP 5.4.1+)


  • MySQL 5.0.x, 5.1.x or 5.5.x
  • PostgreSQL 8.4, 9.0 or 9.1
  • Oracle 10/11g
  • MySQL 5.0.x, 5.1.x or 5.5.x
  • PostgreSQL 8.4, 9.0 or 9.1 (using community supported ezpostgresqlcluster)
  • Oracle 11g

PHP (mod_php) + PHP CLI + apache

  • PHP 5.2.1 -> PHP 5.2.17 (not REST API* and Public API*)
  • PHP 5.3.x
  • PHP 5.4.x
  • PHP 5.2.1 -> PHP 5.2.17 (not REST API* and Public API*)
  • PHP 5.3.x
  • PHP 5.4.x

PHP (fpm) + PHP CLI + Nginx

  • PHP 5.3.3+ (note: fpm marked as "experimental")
  • PHP 5.4.x


  • PHP 5.3.x
  • PHP 5.4.x


  • APC 3.1.6, 3.1.8, or 3.1.9 (external pecl extension)
  • bz2
  • Curl
  • dom
  • exif
  • fileinfo
  • ftp
  • gd
  • Iconv
  • json
  • MBstring
  • mysqli, mysql
  • pcntl
  • PCRE
  • pdo-mysqli
  • pdo-pgsql
  • pdo-oclssl
  • pdo-oci
  • posix
  • reflection
  • simplexml
  • spl
  • ssl
  • xmlreader
  • zlib
  • Wincache 1.1 (external extension for Windows + IIS setup)
  • APC 3.1.6, 3.1.8, or 3.1.9 (external pecl extension)
  • bz2
  • Curl
  • dom
  • exif
  • fileinfo
  • ftp
  • gd
  • Iconv
  • json
  • MBstring
  • mysql, mysqli
  • PCRE
  • posix
  • reflection
  • simplexml
  • spl
  • xmlreader
  • zlib
  • Wincache 1.1 (external extension for Windows + IIS setup)

Graphic Handler

  • ImageMagick >= 6.4.x
  • PHP extension GD2
  • ImageMagick >= 6.4.x
  • PHP extension GD2

eZ Components

  • 2008.2.2 - 2009.2.1
  • 2008.2.2 -2009.2.1

eZ Publish extensions

  • eZ Online Editor 5.5.0
  • eZ Website Interface 1.10.0
  • eZ Flow 2.5.0
  • eZ Find 2.7.0 
  • eZ Google Maps Location 1.5.0
  • eZ Star Rating 1.5.0
  • eZ Website Toolbar 1.6.0
  • eZ 2.8.0
  • eZ MB Password Expiry 1.6.0
  • eZ Multiupload 1.6.0
  • eZ Survey 2.5.0 
  • eZ Comments 1.4.0
  • eZ Teamroom 1.5.0
  • eZ JSCore 1.5.0
  • eZ Script Monitor 1.4.0
  • eZ SI 1.6.0
  • eZ Style Editor 1.5.0
  • eZ XML Export 1.5.0
  • eZ Image Editor 1.4.0
  • eZ Network 1.4.0
  • eZ Form Token 1.1.0
  • eZ Content Staging 1.0.0*
  • eZ Autosave 1.0.0
  • eZ REST API Provider 1.2.0*
  • eZ Oracle 2.4.0
  • eZ Online Editor 5.5.0
  • eZ Website Interface 1.10.0
  • eZ Flow 2.5.0
  • eZ Find 2.7.0 
  • eZ Google Maps Location 1.5.0
  • eZ Star Rating 1.5.0
  • eZ Website Toolbar 1.6.0
  • eZ 2.8.0
  • eZ MB Password Expiry 1.6.0
  • eZ Multiupload 1.6.0
  • eZ Survey 2.5.0 
  • eZ Comments 1.4.0
  • eZ Teamroom 1.5.0
  • eZ JSCore 1.5.0
  • eZ Script Monitor 1.4.0
  • eZ SI 1.6.0
  • eZ Style Editor 1.5.0
  • eZ XML Export 1.5.0
  • eZ Image Editor 1.4.0
  • eZ Network 1.4.0
  • eZ Form Token 1.1.0
  • eZ Content Staging 1.0.0*
  • eZ Autosave 1.0.0
  • eZ REST API Provider 1.2.0*
  • eZ Oracle 2.4.0 (eZDFS only)

Cluster mode

  • eZDBFileHandler
  • eZDFSFileHandler

Distributed file system

  • Linux NFS
  • Solaris NFS
  • Sun ZFS
  • Oracle OCFS
  • Redhat GFS

* eZ Content Staging, REST API and Public API is using PDO for database access and is hence not tested (and hence not supported) at all for Oracle, see Oracle PDO driver page

Known limitation on ImageMagick 6.5.4-7

Please be aware that if you have the [URLTranslator]/TransformationGroup legacy setting set to urlalias_iri in your site.ini (if you are running eZ Publish in legacy mode), then special character escaping with ImageMagick 6.5.4-7 may not work as expected.

This is caused by an ImageMagick limitation which fails on escaping  the following special characters: ~*?[]{}<>
If you are using this version of ImageMagick and urlalias_iri in the TransformationGroup setting, please be sure to avoid using those characters in file names, or it will generate issues with eZ Publish.

Powered by eZ Publish™ CMS Open Source Web Content Management. Copyright © 1999-2013 eZ Systems AS (except where otherwise noted). All rights reserved.