

Sets the text extraction tool used to fetch information from Word files.


This setting sets the text extraction tool used to fetch information from Word files. This text extraction tool is an external program which returns the content of the MS word file as plain text.
This feature requires the Word View (wv) program to work properly.
WV or Word View is a library and set of command-line programs that understands Microsoft Word. It is able to convert MS Word documents into HTML (wvHtml), Abiword (wvAbw), plain text (wvText), RTF, PostScript, PDF, and other formats.

By default wvText is used by eZ Publish, the default settings for using this program are:


TextExtractionTool=wvWare -x /usr/local/wv/wvText.xml

This setting is case sensitive.


TextExtractionTool=wvWare -x /usr/local/wv/wvText.xml

This is the default setting.

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