

ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "AddBookmark" is used.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "AddCustomer" is used.
TopLevelNodes Lists the top level nodes to show in browse page.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "AddNodeAssignment" is used.
StartNode_{overridekeyname} This setting overrides the start node.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "AddPrimaryNodeAssignment" is used.
StartNode_{overridekeyname} This setting overrides the start node for this action.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "AddRelatedImageToDataType" is used.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "AddRelatedObjectListToDataType" is used.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "AddRelatedObjectToDataType" is used.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "AddRelatedObjectToDataType" is used.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "AddRelatedObject" is used.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "AddSubtreeSubscribingNode" is used.


Class This setting allows you to specifying a class identifier.
ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType sets how many values can be selected
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "AssignRole" is used.
TopLevelNodes Lists the top level nodes to show in browse page.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection when assigning a section.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when assigning a section to the node tree.


AliasList This setting maps node aliases to node IDs.
DefaultActionName Sets the default name of the action.
DefaultReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
DefaultSelectionType Sets the default browse selection type.
DefaultTopLevelNodes Lists the default top level nodes.
MaximumRecentItems Sets the default maximum value of recent items which can be shown from the browse page.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "CopyNode" is used.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "CopySubtree" is used.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start.
StartNode_{overridekeyname} This setting allows you to override the start node.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "ExportSourceBrowse" is used.
TopLevelNodes Lists the top level nodes to show on browse page for this action.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "FindLimitationNode" is used.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "FindLimitationNode" is used.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "FindProduct" is used.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "MoveNodeAssignment" is used.
StartNode_{overridekeyname} This setting overrides the start node.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "MoveNode" is used.
StartNode_{overridekeyname} This setting overrides the start node.


ActionName Sets the name of the action that needs to be used.
ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "NewObjectAddNodeAssignment" is used.
StartNode_{overridekeyname} This setting overrides the start node.


Class This setting allows you to specifying a class identifier.
ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "RSSObjectBrowse" is used.
TopLevelNodes Lists the top level nodes to show in browse page.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "RSSObjectBrowse" is used.
TopLevelNodes Lists the top level nodes to show in browse page for this action.


Class This setting allows you to specifying a class identifier.
ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "RSSUserBrowse" is used.
TopLevelNodes Lists the top level nodes to show in browse page.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "SelectMultipleUsers" is used.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "SelectObjectRelationListNode" is used.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "SelectObjectgRelationNode" is used.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "SelectSingleUser" is used.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "SelectToolbarNodePath" is used.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "SelectToolbarNode" is used.


ReturnType This setting defines the type of the return values.
SelectionType Sets the type of selection for this action.
StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start when the action "SwapNode" is used.
StartNode_{overridekeyname} This setting overrides the start node.


StartNode This setting sets the node from where the browsing should start for the action "Users".
TopLevelNodes Lists the top level nodes to show in browse page for the action "Users".

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