

Enables or disables the strict validation of the ISBN-13 numbers.





This directive makes it possible to enable or disable strict validation of ISBN-13 numbers. All ISBN-13 numbers consist of five elements called "Prefix", "Registration group", "Registrant", "Publication" and "Check digit"; they are separated by dashes (refer to the documentation of the "ISBN" datatype for more information).

The default value of this setting is "true", which means that strict validation is enforced. All elements of each ISBN-13 number will be validated according to the rules stored in three range tables of the database. Note that the rules may be outdated. It is possible to add new areas (regions) to the list of group identifiers. You can update the ranges stored in the database by running the "updateisbn13.php" script. If an incorrect ISBN-13 number is entered, it will not be accepted and a warning will be shown. For example, currently the system does not accept "978-650-123-456-4" because the area number "650" doesn't exist in the corresponding range table.

If set to "false", only the "Prefix" and "Check digit" elements will be validated. In other words, the system will accept input regardless if the "Registration group", "Registrant" and "Publication" elements are correct or not. This is typically useful if you need to enter ISBN-13 numbers containing values that aren't present in the range tables at the moment.

Note that the system will automatically add missing dashes and/or correct misplaced ones. However, this will only happen if the range exists in the database. If it doesn't, you will need to separate the ISBN-13 elements by entering the dashes manually.

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