

Sets the number of concurrent versions that can exist of an object per class.


VersionHistoryClass[ class_id1]= number
VersionHistoryClass[ class_id2]= number


This setting is similar to DefaultVersionHistoryLimit but allows you to set the maximum number of versions per class giving you more fine grained control.

A typical scenario is to limit the number of versions of posts in your public forum, but not for the other classes in the system.

If the limit set here is reached, the oldest archived version will automatically be deleted.

Note: When decreasing "content.ini/[VersionManagement]/VersionHistoryClass" you need to run the script script "bin/php/cleanupversions.php" to remove exceeded archived versions.



Using these settings eZ Publish will allow 5 versions for objects of classes with id 1 and 3 versions for objects of class 3. Other objects in your system will use the global DefaultVersionHistoryLimit to determine the maximum number of versions.

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