

Extensions Sets the required Curl extensions that need to be tested during setup.
Require sets the test requirements.


CleanSQL Sets the file name for the CleanSQL file.
CleanSQLData Sets the file name for the CleanSQLData file.
DefaultName Sets the default database name.
DefaultPassword Sets the default database password.
DefaultPort Sets the default port name.
DefaultServer Sets the default server name.
DefaultUser Sets the default database user name.
DemoSQL Sets the file name for the DemoSQL file.
DemoSQLData Sets the file name for the DemoSQLData file.
SQLSchema Sets the file name for the SQLSchema file.


Extensions Sets the required database extensions that need to be tested during setup.
Require Sets the test requirements.


Extensions Sets the required database extensions that need to be tested during setup.
Require Sets the test requirements.


DataFile Sets the file name for the Demo settings datafile.


CheckList Sets where to check for directory permissions during the setup.


Extensions Sets the required DOM extension that need to be tested during setup.
Require sets the test requirements.


MinExecutionTime Sets the minimum execution time required for the setup.


MinimumVersion Sets the minimum eZ Components version required.
TestClass Tests the eZ Components class during setup.
TestFunction Testing the eZ Components function during setup.


Require Sets the test requirements.


Extensions Sets the required iconv extensions that need to be tested during setup.
Require sets the test requirements.


unix_ExcludePaths Sets the exclude paths for Unix.
unix_Executable Sets the name for the image executable for Unix.
unix_SearchPaths Sets the search path for Unix.
win32_ExcludePaths Sets the exclude path for win32.
win32_Executable Sets the name for the image executable for win32.
win32_SearchPaths Sets the search path for win32.


Require sets the test requirements.
TestList This setting lists the tests that need be run during setup regarding image conversion.


MinMemoryLimit Sets the minimum memory limit required for the setup.


Require Sets the test requirements.


MinimumVersion Sets the minimum PHP version required.
UnstableVersions Sets the amount of unstable PHP versions.


Extensions Sets the PHP required session extensions.
Require Sets the level of requirement for the PHP extensions.


CheckList Sets where to check for settings permissions during the setup.


Name Sets the name of the site template.
ThumbnailBase Sets the site template for the thumbnail.
ThumbnailExtension Sets the extension for the site template for the thumbnail.


Functions Sets the required texttoimage functions that need to be tested during setup.
Require Sets the test requirements.


Extensions Sets the required zlib extensions that need to be tested during setup.
Require sets the test requirements.

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