

Sets the directory where eZ publish stores cache files.




eZ publish creates many cache files to speed up execution. The cache files are stored within "var_dir/directory_name/" where "var_dir" is specified by the VarDir setting.

Note1: Don't change the default setting "cache" unless you know what you are doing.

Note2: Only directories relative to the eZ Publish root are supported. Absolute directories are NOT SUPPORTED. Bear in mind that using an absolute directory will be accepted, but it won't work with some features and is NOT SUPPORTED.

Warning: Assume view caching is on. The expected behavior would be that a cached node which is changed in the admin interface is removed from the cache and regenerated on first access. However, if you use different settings for CacheDir ([FileSettings]) for the site access "example" and "example_admin", then publishing a new version of a document (using example_admin) will not remove the cached node version of "example" (since the cache directories for both site accesses are different).



These settings will make eZ publish use the cache dir "var/cache/".

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