Setting | Summary |
AllowEmptySearch | Sets if users can search for nothing |
DelayedIndexing | Sets if new content objects are indexed in the search engine upon publishing or if indexing is done by the cronjob |
DelayedIndexingClassList | Sets the class identifiers that should be used to delay indexing with. |
EnableWildcard | Sets if wildcard searching is allowed or not |
ExtensionDirectories | Tells the system where to look for search engine plugins. |
LogSearchStats | Sets if search statistics should be saved or not. |
MaximumSearchLimit | Sets the maximum number of returned hits. |
MinCharacterWildcard | The minimum number of characters a wildcard can represent |
SearchEngine | Sets which search engine to use. |
SearchViewHandling | Sets if searches are handled by the search view or in the template. |
StopWordThresholdPercent | Sets the percentage of hits that a word should be present in before ignoring the word completely |
StopWordThresholdValue | Sets the minimum number of objects in the database before the stopword functionality is used. |