

The CookieTimeout setting sets the lifetime of the session cookie.





This is an optional settings for the override php.ini session cookie settings.

The CookieTimeout setting sets the lifetime of the session cookie, defined in seconds. When the cookie times out it will be removed by the client browser. Note that the maximum session duration is the minimum of this setting and the SessionTimeout setting.

If this setting is left empty or undefined, the setting will be used as defined in the php.ini setting session.cookie_lifetime. For more information on all other session related settings in php.ini please visit

This setting is case sensitive.


# Number of seconds a session will last
# 3 days is standard
# Number of seconds before a session is considered inactive/logged out
# 1 hour is standard
# Number of seconds a session cookie will last,
# 0 means until browser is closed
# Leaving the field empty means to use the default PHP settings
# (session.cookie_lifetime)
# Example for 6 minutes

With this configuration, HTTP cookies will expire in six minutes. If the site visitor is inactive for six minutes without closing his browser window, the cookie will expire and thus the user's session will be ended. If the user reloads the page later then a new session will be created. However, the previous session will not be removed from the database. It will become inactive in one hour and expired in three days.

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