

Define the depth where your siteaccess root is located.




RootNodeDepth is a setting for letting you have a very simple multi-site, single database and single siteaccess setup.
The content of the menus will be the same on all system pages like user/login, content/edit and so on, and also when you surf bellow the defined page_root_depth.

RootNodeDepth expects a value greater of equal to 0. 
This setting requires IndexPage to be defined, and RootNodeDepth needs to point the depth where your root location (defined in IndexPage).

The sites will also share siteaccess and thus also the same ez publish design and templates.
You can however customize the design with CSS using the class on div#page html output:

subtree_level_x_node_id_y class

Note: It is recommended to turn it of by setting it to 0 for normal sites


Example 1



 root (menu shows sub sites as menu choices like it will on system pages)
 - sub site 1 (menu show content of this sub site)
 - sub site 2 (-- " --)
 - sub site 3 (-- " --)
 - sub site 4 (-- " --)
 - sub site 5 (-- " --)

The data returned will be the subtree contained by the root location defined in IndexPage.

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