
You can read more about the template system in the templates chapter.

AutoloadPathList Sets the directories inside eZ publish itself where eZ publish will look for operator and function definitions.
Debug Turns on/off template debug output.
DelayedCacheBlockCleanup Enables delayed removal of expired cache blocks with the "subtree_expiry" parameter.
DevelopmentMode Controls if development is enabled or not.
ExtensionAutoloadPath Sets the extensions that contain template function or operator definitions.
NodeTreeCaching Sets if the template interpreter should cache parsed template files.
ShowMethodDebug Sets if debug information about called functions and operators should be displayed.
ShowUsedTemplates Enables a table in the debug displaying all the templates used to render the current page.
ShowXHTMLCode Sets if eZ publish should display template load debug inline or not.
TemplateCache Main switch for all the template related caches.
TemplateCompile Sets if the template compiler should be used or not.
TemplateCompression Sets if compiled templates should be compressed or not.
TemplateOptimization Sets if the template compiler should try to optimize the produced PHP code.
UseFormatting Sets if the template compiler should keep whitespace in the compiled template.

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