

MaxCharacters This setting sets the maximum number of characters to show in autolink links.
Methods This setting lists the URL methods or protocols that should be matched.


AutoConvertOnSave Sets autoconversion of the template charset.
DefaultTemplateCharset Sets the default charset to use.
DefaultTemplateLocale Sets the default system locale.


AlloUserVariables Sets whether user variables can automatically be assigned from the URL.
DisplayWarnings Allows you to display template engine warnings.
MaxLevel Sets the maximum level of template nesting.
OldStyleUserVariables This setting enables you to use the old style parsing of user variables in URLs.


PHPOperatorList This setting lists PHP functions and their equivalent template operator names.


Extensions Sets the extensions where the simpletags template operator should look for extra includes.
IncludeList Lists the PHP files that should be included when the "simpletags" operator is used.
TagList Lists settings for specific tags.
TagList_{mytags} Sets personal tag list.


EmailAtText Sets a replacement string for the "@" (at) in an email address.
EmailDotText Sets a replacement string for the "." (dot) in an email address.

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