

ampere Sets the base unit for ampere.
bit Sets the base unit for bit.
byte Sets the base unit for byte.
candela Sets the base unit for candela.
gram Sets the base unit for grams.
kelvin Sets the base unit for kelvin.
meter Sets the base unit for meter.
mole Sets the base unit for mole.
second Sets the base unit for seconds.


exbi Sets the base unit for exabyte.
gibi Sets the base unit for gigabyte.
kibi Sets the base unit for kilobyte.
mebi Sets the base unit for megabyte.
pebi Sets the base unit for petabyte.
tebi Sets the base unit for terabyte.


atto Sets the base unit for attoo.
centi Sets the base unit for centi.
deca Sets the base unit for deca.
deci Sets the base unit for deci.
exa Sets the base unit for exa.
femto Sets the base unit for femto.
giga Sets the base unit for giga.
hecto Sets the base unit for hecto.
kilo Sets the base unit for kilo.
mega Sets the base unit for mega.
micro Sets the base unit for micro.
milli Sets the base unit for milli.
nano Sets the base unit for nano.
peta Sets the base unit for peta.
pico Sets the base unit for kilo.
tera Sets the base unit for tera.
yocto Sets the base unit for yocto.
yotta Sets the base unit for yotta.
zepto Sets the base unit for zepto.
zetta Sets the base unit for zetta.


exa Sets the base unit for exa.
giga Sets the base unit for giga.
kilo Sets the base unit for kilo.
mega Sets the base unit for mega.
peta Sets the base unit for peta.
tera Sets the base unit for tera.

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