

This setting maps MIME type to the name of an upload handler. When the handler is found for a given MIME type, it will be used instead of the normal attribute based upload.




This setting maps MIME type to the name of an upload handler.  When the handler is found for a given MIME type, it will be used instead of the normal attribute based upload.The <handler_identifier> will be used for both the class name and the filename of the PHP file.  The system will look for the file named <handler_identifier>.php.The key can either be the full MIME type, for example [image/jpeg], or just the MIME group, like [image].  By using only the group the handler can take care of the entire set of MIME types.

By default this setting is left empty or commented out.  This setting is case sensitive.



The above example setting can be used for of OpenOffice.org handling. The system will look for ezopenofficeupload.php.

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