node new


Fetches a node (identified by either an ID number or a path).


fetch( 'content', 'node', hash( [ 'node_id', node_id,  ]
                                [ 'node_path', node_path ]
                                [ 'language_code', language_code]
                                [ 'remote_id', remote_id] ) )


node_id integer The ID number of the node that should be fetched. No.
node_path string The path of the node that should be fetched. No.
language_code string A new parameter since eZ Publish 4.1. This enables you to fetch a node in a given language No.
remote_id string A new parameter since eZ Publish 4.1. This enables you to fetch a node by its remote ID number No.


An ezcontentobjecttreenode object of FALSE.


This function fetches a single node and returns it as a ezcontentobjecttreenode. The target node must be specified using either the "node_id" or the "node_path" parameter. If no node can be found, or if an error occurs, the function will return FALSE.


Example 1

{def $my_node=fetch( 'content', 'node', hash( 'node_id', 96 ) )}

Fetches node number 96 and outputs the name of the object that is encapsulated by that node.

Example 2

{def $my_node=fetch( 'content', 'node', hash( 'node_path', 'news/article_test' ) )}

Fetches the node by the specified path and outputs the name of the object that is encapsulated by that node.

Example 3

{def $my_node=fetch( 'content', 'node', hash( 'node_path', 'news/article_test' ) )}
Views: {$my_node.view_count}

Fetches the node by the specified path and outputs the number of times this node has been viewed. (The "updateviewcount.php" cronjob must be run periodically.)

Example 4

fetch('content', 'node', hash('node_id', 66, 'language_code', 'pol-PL'))

This parameter is especially useful when you need to grab content or a URL in a different language than the one users are viewing a siteaccess in.

Example 5

fetch('content', 'node', hash('remote_id', '1b26c0454b09bb49dfb1b9190ffd67cb' ))
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