

Provides views for importing/exporting packages.


This module provides an interface to the packaging system. It makes it possible to view, import, export, install, uninstall, etc. eZ publish packages. The views that this module provides are used within the setup part of the administration interface.

Fetch functions

can_create Not documented yet.
can_edit Not documented yet.
can_export Not documented yet.
can_import Not documented yet.
can_install Not documented yet.
can_list Not documented yet.
can_read Not documented yet.
can_remove Not documented yet.
dependent_list Not documented yet.
item Not documented yet.
list Not documented yet.
maintainer_role_list Not documented yet.
repository_list Not documented yet.


create Not documented yet.
export Not documented yet.
install Not documented yet.
list Not documented yet.
uninstall Not documented yet.
upload Not documented yet.
view Not documented yet.

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