

Fetches a section.


fetch( 'section', 'object', hash( 'section_id', section_id, 'identifier', identifier ) )


section_id integer The ID number of the section that should be fetched. No.
identifier string The identifier of the section that should be fetched. This parameter was added in eZ Publish 4.4. No.


An ezsection object or FALSE.


This function fetches an object that represents a section. A parameter is required but there should be one and only one parameter in this function. If no parameter is provided or both "section_id" and "identifier" are specified, you will get a FALSE return. The "section_id" parameter must be a valid section ID number. The "identifier" parameter must be a valid section identifier string. The function returns an ezsection object. If an invalid ID number or invalid identifier string is specified, the function will return FALSE.


Example 1

{def $section=fetch( 'section', 'object', hash( 'section_id', 13 ) )}

Outputs the name of section number 13.

Example 2

{def  $section=fetch( 'section', 'object', hash( 'identifier',  'standard' ) )}{$section.name|wash}

Outputs the name of section identifier 'standard'.

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