

Provides views for managing workflows, workflow groups, workflow events, etc.


This module provides an interface to the workflow engine inside the eZ Publish kernel. A workflow is a sequential list of events that is started by a trigger. This module contains views that make it possible to manipulate workflow groups, workflows and events. The administration interface makes use of the views that this module provides in order to allow the users to manage workflows (add new, remove, edit, etc.). Please refer to the "Workflows" section of the "Concepts an basics" chapter for more information about workflows.


down Provides an interface for moving an event to a lower position.
edit Provides an interface for editing a workflow.
event Not documented yet.
groupedit Provides an interface for editing a workflow group.
grouplist Provides an interface for generating a list of all available workflow groups.
process Not documented yet.
run Not documented yet.
up Provides an interface for moving an event to a higher position.
view Provides an interface for viewing a workflow.
workflowlist Provides an interface for generating a list of workflows that belong to a group.

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