Template PDF functions

anchor Creates an internal link anchor (DEPRECATED).
create_index Creates an index based on the specified keywords (DEPRECATED).
filled_circle Creates a filled circle (DEPRECATED).
filled_rectangle Creates a filled rectangle (DEPRECATED).
footer Sets the footer (DEPRECATED).
footer_block Inserts complex footers (DEPRECATED).
frame_header Sets the header text (DEPRECATED).
frontpage Adds content to the frontpage (DEPRECATED).
header Inserts a header / title (DEPRECATED).
header_block Inserts a complex header (DEPRECATED).
image Inserts an image to the PDF document (DEPRECATED).
keyword Adds a keyword to the keyword index (DEPRECATED).
line Draws a line (DEPRECATED).
link Inserts an external link (DEPRECATED).
new_line Inserts a new line (DEPRECATED).
new_page Inserts a new page (DEPRECATED).
page_number Starts the page number counter (DEPRECATED).
set_font Changes the default font (DEPRECATED).
set_margin Sets the page margins or line spacing (DEPRECATED).
strike Inserts striked text (DEPRECATED).
table Inserts a table (DEPRECATED).
text This function inserts formatted text into the PDF document (DEPRECATED).
text_box Inserts text at a specified location (DEPRECATED).
text_frame Inserts a text with a frame (DEPRECATED).
toc Inserts a generated table of contents (DEPRECATED).
ul Inserts a bullet list (DEPRECATED).

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