The "User accounts" tab allows you to manage the users and user groups that have been added to the system. In eZ Publish users and groups are managed in a similar way as if they were on a file system. Users can be put into groups and groups can contain other groups. The following screenshot shows what the administration interface looks like when you select the "User accounts" tab.
The "User accounts" tab
Use the ">>" to show or hide the right menu containing Current user, Bookmarks, Clear cache and Quick settings. The following text explains how you can carry out daily tasks related to users on the system.
You can add new user groups in the same way as you add other content (articles, folders, etc.).
You can add new users in the same way as you add other content (articles, folders, etc.).
Please note that a newly created user might not be able to log in and/or access information on the site. This is controlled by the roles that are assigned to the user or the group that the user is a member of. For example, a user put into the "Administrator Users" group will have unlimited access to all functions on the system. You can modify and assign roles using the interface which can be reached by clicking on the "Roles and policies" link located below the user tree.
You can change a user's E-mail, password, etc. by editing the node that represents the user. In other words, you can change the user's details in the same way as when you for example change the contents of a news article.
A user account can be enabled or disabled. A disabled user account can not be used to log into the system. It is recommended to disable users instead of deleting them in order to keep existing relations. The following text explains how you can enable/disable a user account.
If the maximum number of failed login attempts is exceeded, a user account is automatically locked by the system. The user will not be allowed to log in until the account has been unlocked by another user with administrator privileges. The following text explains how user accounts can be unlocked.
The "User settings" interface can also be accessed by requesting "/user/setting/<user_id>" in the URL, where <user_id> is the ID number of the user account that needs to be unlocked.
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