Moving content

The administration interface allows you to move a node along with its underlying nodes from one location to another. This can be achieved by using either the "Move" button in the preview window or the "Move" item in the context menu. The following text explains how you can do this.

  1. Navigate the node tree until you find the node that you wish to move.
  2. If the node is displayed in the preview window, click the "Move" button. If the node is displayed in the node tree or the "Sub items" window, click the node's icon to bring up the context menu and choose "Move". The system will display the browse interface.
  3. Use the browse interface to select a new location for the node.
  4. Click OK - the node (and it's underlying nodes) will be moved to the selected location.

Please note that if you move a node using this approach, the system will also move it's underlying nodes. For example, if you move a folder containing news articles from one location to another, the articles will also be moved.

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