Adding, Editing and Deleting Content

When you are logged in with a user account that belongs to the Editor or Administrator group, the Website Toolbar (shown below) is displayed on each page of the site.

Website Toolbar

Website Toolbar

The buttons available from the Website Toolbar vary depending on whether your user account belongs to the Editor or Administrator group. If it belongs to the Editor group, only buttons that are  applicable in the current context are available. Also, the buttons displayed to editors are limited according to the rights granted to the Editor user group. (All buttons are displayed to users who belong  to the Administrator user group.)

In addition to the buttons that are displayed, the content classes displayed in the dropdown list vary according to whether your user account belongs to an Editor or Administrator group. If you are logged in as an administrator, all content classes are displayed, regardless of whether or not the class can be displayed within the current context. (For example, when you are logged in as an administrator, you are allowed to create a blog post underneath a folder, even though a blog post can only be displayed by a blog container.) If you are logged in as an editor, only content classes relevant to the currently displayed object are displayed in the drop-down list. (For example, the Blog post content class is only shown in the drop-down list when a Blog content object is displayed.)

The Website Toolbar only displays the import / export buttons when you are viewing a content object that is a container for the Article content class. Refer to the “  support” section for more information.

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